Axis LNG

Axis LNG is a comprehensive solution covering all aspects of the processing associated with Liquified Natural Gas. Axis LNG covers both Liquefaction and Re-Gasification processes.


On the Liquefaction side, Axis LNG is configured with the necessary relationships and data to represent the typical commercial arrangements that exist for LNG operations, including fields, equity partners and their entitlements, associated stock accounts, pooling arrangements between partners, Storage Tanks, Sample Points, Meters and Vessels.

Mechanisms are provided to allow for easy and efficient upload of production forecasts. Axis LNG employs scheduling algorithms to produce forecast lifting schedules based on forecast production and partner entitlements. Forecast data for partner stock accounts are generated as part of this process.

Actual production figures can be entered into Axis LNG either manually or automatically through an interface with the production data historian. Forecast production figures are automatically replaced with actual production figures as they become available. Stock positions are re-calculated based on actual production, and the future lifting schedule can be updated, subject to defined business rules.

LNG Cargo Quantity screen allows details of the actual lifting can then be recorded. This includes recording of actual lifting volume and other physical, as well as measurements ISO6976 GCV routine; Klosek-McKinley LNG density calculations. For LNG tanker liftings, the system automatically generates the required cargo documents.


The Re-Gasification functionality can be used by operators of LNG re-gasification terminals. It is a comprehensive solution covering all aspects of gas accounting, including administration of nominations, allocation of delivered quantities and generation of billing data. Axis stores data at component level and provides a comprehensive set of functions for managing gas compositions. A library of industry standard calculations is available, including the ISO6976 standard.

The immediate nature of commercial gas sales means that daily or hourly nominations are an important feature of many regimes. Axis LNG (regasification) supports nomination entry and processing, using the Axis allocation engine to implement specific rules governing timeliness and entitlement limits.

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