Meet the Adept Team – Brian

What is your current role at Adept Solutions?
Technical Manager.
Can you tell us more about your career? What made you choose software development?
It certainly wasn’t a typical route to a technical career. Although I always had a maths and computing bent, my first and second degrees were in Psychology. After deciding that path wasn’t for me I retrained in IT, attaining a Masters. Back in 2004 our MD at Adept, Richard, was the interviewer for what became my first techie job, where I was involved in development and support of hydrocarbon accounting software at a large IT consultancy. A decade later, via a year or so at another consultancy, I was delighted to join up with Richard again at Adept.
What is your favourite aspect of your job?
I like the variety that working for a relatively small company gives me; but what gives me most satisfaction is designing technical solutions to complex problems.
Who has influenced you the most when it comes to how you approach your work?
There is no one person who springs to mind. I’ve been lucky enough to benefit from the experience and expertise of numerous colleagues throughout my career, and I like to think I’ve gained something from working with each of them.
Can you share with us a recent work-related accomplishment that you are very proud of?
I’m proud of how much we’ve moved the Axis product forward in the last 6 years. It’s great to see new and existing customers benefiting from the product enhancements the technical team have worked hard on.
What is your go-to productivity trick?
Try not to let your attention get diverted by non-urgent emails and instant messages. Park them, set a reminder to deal with them at a set time later in the day; and until then forget about them!
What is one thing that you are learning now?
I’m not going to give away any secrets, but let’s just say I’m looking into technologies that will lead to some big new product enhancements in the next major version of Axis.
Working from home or working from the office?
Definitely working from the office! During this extended period of working from home I’ve missed the camaraderie of the office environment, and it’s also been tough at times not having my normal routine. Here’s hoping things eventually return to something a lot closer to normality in 2021.
How do you unwind after a busy week?
For the last few years I’ve been doing a fair bit of yoga and pilates. Although I’m awful at both, they definitely help.